Welcome to the HOME’s project multiplier toolkit
Welcome to the HOME’s project multiplier toolkit

The Home of Mobile Europeans (HOME) EU-funded project aims at making quality accommodation options available at the fingertips of mobile Europeans fostering quality and transparency with the HOME solution.

To achieve this is impossible without including the strong efforts that the stakeholders of student accommodation have been investing into this field. To support these efforts and following intense liaising with key stakeholders, the HOME consortium decided to create a multiplier toolkit drawing on the expertise of the HOME project partners to create an accessible and easy-to-use tool to support users in setting up multiplier events.

The content of the multiplier toolkit will be in the context of student accommodation and adaptable by users allowing them to easily engage with their beneficiaries and stakeholders with a ready-made impactful structure tested by the partners on the ground.

What is the HOME Multiplier Toolkit

The HOME multiplier toolkit teaches you how to host workshops on the subject of student accommodation building on the outputs of project HOME such as the Student Accommodation Quality Labels, Digital Data Standard and HOME public API. The toolkit will also help you in creating synergies among the main stakeholders playing a role in the topic of international student housing.

The main stakeholders addressed by the toolkit include (but are not limited to): housing providers (private or public) & market intermediaries, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Student organisations supporting international students (such as the Erasmus Student Network).

Other target groups include policy-makers, such as municipality representatives or regional councils,and others interested in student accommodation and particularly in the frame of international student mobility.

The toolkit provides step-by-step guidelines on how to bring together local actors of international student housing and will include multiplier session outlines for students NGOs, HEIs, and housing providers so you will have a template to more easily implement your multiplier.

The session outlines will use non-formal education methodologies to ensure that all stakeholders are involved and engaged during the multipliers and that they have the space to express themselves and learn from each other.

Before jumping into the Toolkit take a look at this brief document where we share with you the best way to use it and how to navigate it. In here you can also find translations of how to use the toolkit in Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Without further ado, you're now ready to enjoy the experience of our toolkit, share it with your beneficiaries and networks, and add it into your toolbox of resources to set up impactful multiplier events drawing the most out of it. If you have any questions or want to connect with us concerning the toolkit email us at contact[at]thehomeproject[dot]eu.

The European Commission support for the production of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.